Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thor 1 & 2 Review

Look at dat pose!


This is yet another Marvel I feel almost nothing about. It's about Thor being sent to Earth to learn responsibility...

...and that's it. Oh, yeah, there's Loki trying to take over Asgard, but aside from that, nothing really happens in this movie. Yeah, I guess it's cool to see Thor in his costume and with the hammer or whatever, but cool costumes and CG and can only get you so far. 

First, the few good things. Chris Hemsworth is really great as Thor in this movie, and while he gets much better in the role in the later movies, he's still pretty good here. Tom HeyFiddleDiddleSomething is also okay as Loki, although he also gets way better as the films progress. The cast in this movie is pretty awesome in general, even if some of the characters get pushed aside a lot.

As far as bad stuff, Jane Foster, a.k.a Unnecessary Love Interest is bland and stupid. I would honestly be surprised if I found one single person on Planet Earth who actually liked this character. Yeah, she kind of maybe-ish gets a personality in Thor 2, but here she just exists because if she didn't exist, all the comic book readers would complain about it. Not every superhero really needs a love interest, guys.

Overall, I really don't care about this movie. I only watched it because I felt like I had to at some point, and I don't plan on watching it again.

Apparently, they decided
to use the same exact
poster from Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World

This movie, while not great, is still way better than the first movie. It's about an army of Dark Elves led by Malekith, who wants to use the Aether to plunge the entire universe into darkness. Thor suits up, gets his hammer, and goes out to stop him. Oh, yeah, and there's Loki trying to take over Asgard or whatever, but aside from that, the plot is pretty simplistic. 

There are thankfully a lot more good things in this movie. Chris Hemsworth, at this point, has gotten used to playing the God of Thunder, and he does it great here. Tom Riddlerston also does pretty good as Loki, but judging by the reception he's gotten, you already know that. The dialogue in this movie is really hilarious, as well, and it definitely made the regular human characters more fun to listen to. The fight scenes, particularly the end one with Thor fighting Malekith while also being teleported from world to world, were really well done. They were creative and entertaining, and that's something we really need more of in these movies.

For the bad stuff, I guess I would say that it's only enjoyable on a basic level. I mean, Malekith wants to do evil things, Thor fights him, he wins, and everybody's happy. It didn't quite make me think the way Iron Man 3 or Captain America: The Winter Soldier did. Aside from that, the movie is pretty solid. Forgettable, but solid.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ian, for letting me comment, just don't break my legs again.

