Friday, January 30, 2015

First Post, Explanation, Age of Ultron Lead-up, etc

Yes, Ian totally just made a movie-themed re-skin of Ian's Game Corner. Why? Take a good read through.

Ian's Game Corner is basically in purgatory. You can read all the details about it on the blog itself, but basically, it is not coming back any time soon unless for some sort of special occasion or whatever. If you haven't read that post yet, you can read about it right here. 

Okay, now let me explain my little project that's going to jump-start my little blog. The Blockbuster Buster, in case you didn't know, has been doing an event titled "Countdown to the Age of Ultron." The basic idea with it is that he would lead-up to the highly anticipated Avengers 2: Age of Ultron by reviewing all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies from Phase 2. 

What is Phase 2, some of you may ask? Well, the basic idea with the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that it's split up into phases. Phase 1 consisted of The Avengers and the 5 films leading up to it. Phase 2 consists of all the films after The Avengers and concludes with Avengers 2. 

The Blockbuster Buster has been reviewing all of the Phase 2 films as well as other Marvel goodies, but I wanted to take it a step further. While he did review all of the Phase 1 and 2 films, I don't think he really went into as much detail as he should have. They're great reviews, and I definitely recommend them to everyone interested, but I felt like a lot of his reviews, particularly the Phase 1 reviews, were way shorter than they should have been. Not to mention, because he reviewed most of the MCU movies not too long after

So once every week, I'm gonna do in-depth reviews of all of the MCU films released as of now except for The Avengers. I will talk about that movie in full along with Age of Ultron once I see it. Keep in mind, my rule is to watch a movie twice before I review it. Below is the MCU review schedule:

Iron Man Trilogy: January 30th, 2015
The Incredible Hulk: February 6th, 2015
Thor 1 & 2: February 13th, 2015
Captain America 1 & 2: February 20th, 2015
Guardians of the Galaxy: February 27th, 2015
The Avengers 1 & 2: Preferably sometime after Age of Ultron comes out on Blu-Ray 

Anyways, stay with me as I go completely insane reviewing all of these superhero films!

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